always try to keep normalization in our database and maintain table relationship for each record as possible. To maintain normalization, we always put our records in more than two
tables by making relationship between them which are highly tide up mostly on primary and foreign
key. Sometimes, it is become very urgent to us to remove matching records from
one table based on the other table records then these relationship come into the picture.
Note: We can
only delete 1 table at a time by using delete command with joins.
understand the delete using joins, we have two tables structure to store the
above scenario such as:
USE tempdb;
------ create temp table to store
employees information
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EmployeeMaster]
[EmpId] [int] IDENTITY(101,1) NOT NULL,
[EmpName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[EmpSalary] [int] NOT
[EmpAge] [int] NOT
[DeptId] [int] NULL
) ON
------ create another temp table
to store department list
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Department]
[DeptId] [int] IDENTITY(101,1) NOT NULL,
[DepartmentName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL
) ON
---- both tables have the relation
on DeptId
After creating above tables, we need to
insert some demo data into the both tables as shown below:
---- both tables have the relation
on DeptId
---- Insert Values in the
employees Master table
Insert into EmployeeMaster(EmpName, EmpSalary, EmpAge, DeptId ) Values
('Amit Gupta',15000,32,101),
('Anil Sharma',15500,22,102),
('Bill Smith',16500,25,103),
('Chris Gray',17500,28,104),
('David King',15500,22,102),
('Eliza Roy',15500,25,101),
('Flash God',15500,23,102)
---- Records in EmployeeMaster
Select EmpId, EmpName,
EmpSalary, EmpAge,
DeptId from
---- Insert Records in Department
Insert into Department Values('Account'),('Finance'),('IT'),('Admin')
---- Records in Department table
Select DeptId, DepartmentName from
we need to delete all employees from the employee master table who are in ‘Admin’ department. We can delete them
by using sub query also but here we will remove them by using delete command
with joins as shown below:
---- delete the all employees from
EmployeeMaster who are in 'Admin' Department
EmployeeMaster Emp
INNER JOIN Department Dept
ON Dept.DeptId =Emp.DeptId
WHERE Dept.DepartmentName='Admin'
can see above that we have just added the name of the table or table
alias name between ‘DELETE’ and ‘FROM’ from where you want to delete
records because we have to specify the table to delete.
can view the data again in the employee master table where records for admin
department are not available as shown below:
---- Records in EmployeeMaster table after
delete command
Select EmpId, EmpName,
EmpSalary, EmpAge,
from EmployeeMaster
Query at a
Glance: You can run the below script to verify the functionality of the article
as shared:
USE tempdb;
create temp table to store employees information
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EmployeeMaster]
[EmpId] [int] IDENTITY(101,1) NOT NULL,
[int] NOT NULL,
[EmpAge] [int] NOT NULL,
[DeptId] [int] NULL
create another temp table to store department list
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Department]
[DeptId] [int] IDENTITY(101,1) NOT NULL,
both tables have the relation on DeptId
Insert Values in the employees Master table
Insert into EmployeeMaster(EmpName, EmpSalary, EmpAge, DeptId ) Values
('Amit Gupta',15000,32,101),
('Anil Sharma',15500,22,102),
('Bill Smith',16500,25,103),
('Chris Gray',17500,28,104),
('David King',15500,22,102),
('Eliza Roy',15500,25,101),
('Flash God',15500,23,102)
Records in EmployeeMaster table
Select EmpId, EmpName, EmpSalary, EmpAge, DeptId from
Insert Records in Department table
Insert into Department Values('Account'),('Finance'),('IT'),('Admin')
Records in Department table
Select DeptId, DepartmentName from Department
delete the all employees from EmployeeMaster who are in 'Admin' Department
DELETE Emp FROM EmployeeMaster Emp
INNER JOIN Department Dept
ON Dept.DeptId =Emp.DeptId
WHERE Dept.DepartmentName='Admin'
Records in EmployeeMaster table after delete command
Select EmpId, EmpName, EmpSalary, EmpAge, DeptId from
drop temp tables
DROP TABLE EmployeeMaster, Department;
you can see that we can remove records from one table which are matching with
another tables without using sub queries to get the matching conditions.
Watch demo at YouTube channel -
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