As an Talend ETL developer, you have to move files from source to destination location before processing them into the databases and you know also that Talend Open Studio is a very fabulous and mind blowing tool. It provides unlimited functionalities to accomplished many jobs.
If you want to move your processing files from one to another location then you can use the following components -
tFileList: This component retrieves a set of files or folders
based on a filemask pattern and iterates on each unity. This component helps to streamline processes by automating recurrent and tedious copy tasks. tFileList provides a list of files or folders from a defined directory on which it iterates.
tJava enables you to enter personalized code in order to integrate it in Talend program. You can
execute this code only once. tJava makes it possible to extend the functionalities of a Talend Job using custom Java commands. tJava component is generally used as a one-component sub-job.
tFileCopy: This component copies a source file or folder into a
target directory. Apart from this, it can be used as a standalone component. It comes with a lot of options -
- You can rename the file
- You can remove the source file after moving it to destination location
- Replace existing file or overwrite any existing file with the newly copied file
- Create the directory if it doesn't exist means create the specified destination directory if it does not exist
To see a demo, please play the below video-
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