Tuesday, November 14, 2023

PySpark— Update multiple columns in a dataframe

Working as a PySpark developer, data engineer, data analyst, or data scientist for any organisation requires you to be familiar with dataframes because data manipulation is the act of transforming, cleansing, and organising raw data into a format that can be used for analysis and decision making.


Note: We are using Databricks environment to articulate this example.

We understand, we can add a column to a dataframe and update its values to the values returned from a function or other dataframe column’s values as given below -

## importing sparksession from  
## pyspark.sql module
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col

# Create a Spark session and giving an app name
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("UpdateMutliColumns"

When you see data in a list in PySpark, it signifies you have a collection of data in a PySpark driver. This collection will be parallelized when you construct a DataFrame. Here, we have 5 elements in a list and let’s convert this to a DataFrame as given below —

### Create a list of data
,2), ("Marketing",4), ("Sales",6), ("IT",8),("Admin",9) ]

#### convert above list to a DataFrame
sdf =  spark.createDataFrame(data=MyData, schema=['Dept'

### show the schema of the dataframe

## Show the DataFrame
, False)

The most important aspect of Spark SQL & DataFrame is PySpark UDF (User Defined Function), which is used to enhance the PySpark built-in capabilities.


Note — UDFs are the costliest procedures, therefore use them only when you have no other option and when absolutely necessary. In the next part, I will explain in detail why utilising UDFs is a costly activity.


User-defined scalar functions — Python : This page covers examples of Python user-defined functions (UDFs). It demonstrates how to register and invoke UDFs.


#create square() function to return single value 
#passing variable is x
#return single value
def square(x):
return x*x
#create Cube function to return single value
#passing variable is x
#return cubes
def Cube(x):
return x*x*x


Register a function as a UDF — In PySpark, you can add custom UDFs in PySpark spark context as given below-


## Register the function as a UDF (User-Defined Function)
, square)
, Cube)


Add and Update multiple columns in a dataframe — If you want to update multiple columns in dataframe then you should make sure that these columns must be present in your dataframe. In case, updated columns are not in your dataframe, you must create them as given below — 


### Lets add a new column in the dataframe as SalesAmount
, expr("square_udf(Code)"))
, expr("Cube_udf(Code)"))

## Show the DataFrame
, False)

Based on the official documentationwithColumn returns a new DataFrame by adding a column or replacing the existing column that has the same name.


Now, the above example shows you how to update multiple columns inside your dataframe in PySpark. By using withColumn, you can only create or modify one column at each time.


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