Most of the developers are
very familiar with inline queries. Inline queries are basically known as sub
queries or Inner Select statements which are always used inside a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
statement, or inside another inline query. They can be used anywhere in SQL scripts to encounter
the conditional expressions. The SQL statement containing an Inline query is
also known an outer query or outer select.
can Inline Queries helpful?
Most of the T-SQL
statements which include inline queries can be alternatively formulated as join
to encounter the conditional expressions. Other questions can be posed only
with inline queries. In T-SQL, there is usually no performance difference
between a statement that includes an inline query and a semantically equivalent
version that does not. However, in some cases where existence must be checked,
a join yields better performance.
of an Inline Query
An inline query has the
same features as a normal SQL query. They only persist in the SQL statements
and could have the following components –
- A regular SELECT query including regular select list components from the main table.
- A regular FROM clause including one or more table, function or view names.
- An optional WHERE clause to encounter the conditional expressions.
- An optional GROUP BY clause if your query contains aggregation functions.
- An optional HAVING clause if your query contains aggregation functions.
The SELECT query of an Inline query is always enclosed in parentheses. It cannot include a COMPUTE or FOR BROWSE clause, and may only include an ORDER BY clause when a TOP clause is also specified.
- Operate on lists introduced with IN, or those that a comparison operator modified by ANY or ALL.
- Are introduced with an unmodified comparison operator and must return a single value.
- Are existence tests introduced with EXISTS.
To understand their functionality, we will create a table variable to work as the base table for the inline statements as given below-
---- declare OrderMaster table variable body
OrdId INT IDENTITY(100,1),
OrdDate VARCHAR(30),
CustName VARCHAR(20)
---- declare OrderDetails table variable body
OrdId INT,
ItemId VARCHAR(30),
ItemName VARCHAR(20),
SellingPrice Decimal(12,4)
---- Insert Values
@OrderMaster (OrdDate,CustName)
Values (Getdate(),'Ryan Arjun'),(Getdate(),'Bill Trade'),
(Getdate(),'Rosy White')
---- Pull Order Data
FROM @OrderMaster
----Fill Order Details
Insert Into
@OrderDetails (OrdId, ItemId, ItemName, SellingPrice)
Values (100, 201,'Apple',135.78),(100, 202,'Mango',235.78)
,(101, 203,'Banana',124.50),(101, 204,'Orange',321.15)
,(102, 205,'Banana',124.50),(102, 204,'Orange',321.15),(102, 201,'Apple',135.78)
--- Pull Order Details
select *
from @OrderDetails
Now, we have the tables and want to pull
the order and customer wise total sales.
Single Value
There are many ways to do this but we are
using inline query to accomplish this task. To pull the single value, we are
using inline query within the main SQL statement as given below-
---- Use inline query in the select statement
select OrdId, CustName,
---- Inline query for single value
[Price] =(Select
from @OrderDetails
where OrdId= Om.OrdId
from @OrderMaster OM
Multiple Values with Group By
If we want to pull more than one column
then inline query should work as join with the main query as given below:
---- Inline Query as Join
SELECT Om.OrdId, Om.CustName,
OD.[Item-Qty], OD.Price
FROM @OrderMaster OM
FROM @OrderDetails
Value with Where Clause and Group By
If we want to pull more than one column based on some conditional expression then inline query should work as join with the main query as given below:
---- Inline Query as Join
SELECT Om.OrdId, Om.CustName,
OD.[Item-Qty], OD.Price
FROM @OrderMaster OM
FROM @OrderDetails
---- Conditional Expression
WHERE ItemName='Apple'
It’s very beneficial concept in SQL and
we can use them inside a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, or inside
another inline query. They are easily
applicable in the function and stored procedure. These features are important in
some Transact-SQL statements; the inline-query can be evaluated as if it were
an independent query. Conceptually, the inline-query results are substituted
into the outer query.
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