These beautiful operators were introduced with
SQL Server 2005 released. They are working vice versa with each other. PIVOT is
used if we need to rotate rows into columns and performs aggregations where
they are required on any remaining column values that are wanted in the final
output where as UNPIVOT performs almost the reverse operation of PIVOT, by
rotating columns into rows. We can use dynamic T-SQL script to create dynamic
PIVOT for having dynamic columns as well as for create dynamic UNPIVOT for
having dynamic rows.
We will demonstrate both of them with proper
examples here-
PIVOT - How can we convert rows to columns in SQL?
Sometimes, it’s going very hectic to us because we don’t know the actual rows which need to be converted into columns.
Case 1: If we need to display the addresses against the customer then customer can have two or three addresses such as billing address, official address or permanent address.
In the above case, we don’t need to be worried due to the limitation of the possibilities of the requirement.
Case 2: If we need to display the products against any order then an order may have one to more products could be sold out.
In the above case 2, numbers of columns for products are not fixed and we cannot handle them by using the static values. We need here to use a SQL script to generate the dynamic columns against the number of rows of any order.
So, we are here to work on the case 2. We are creating two temporary tables such as –
1) Temp Order Master to hold the Order Id and Customer Name.
----- Create OrderMaster Table in the database
CREATE TABLE #OrderMaster (OrderId Varchar(10), CustomerName Varchar(25))
----- Insert values in the OrderMaster table
Insert into #OrderMaster values ('2015060001', 'Ryan Arjun'), ('2015060011', 'White Gray'),
('2015060521', 'Lucy White')
---- select values from the table
select * from #OrderMaster;
2) Temp Order Details to hold the products against a particular order.
----- create #Order Details table to hold the items to the respective order
CREATE TABLE #OrderDetails (OrderId Varchar(10),ProductName Varchar(25))
------ Insert Values respective with order master
Insert into #OrderDetails values
('2015060001', 'SONY LED'),('2015060001', 'Tata Sky'),('2015060001', 'iPhone'),('2015060011', 'Juice Maker'),('2015060011', 'Switch Board'), ('2015060521', 'Voltas AC')
------ Select values from the order details
select * from #OrderDetails;
In the above temporary tables, Order Id is the column table.
Order Id (2015060001) has the three rows to hold the products against this order and we need to generate three columns.
Order Id (2015060011) has the two rows to hold the products against this order and we need to generate two columns.
Order Id (2015060521) has the one row to hold the products against this order and we need to generate one column.
But ideally, we need to generate the three columns for products to meet the requirement. If any order has one single product then other product columns will be blank for this type of order.
The Most Possible Columns
Here we need to get the maximum possible columns. We will use the local variables to get the most possible number of columns which will be based on the number of rows are available in the table such as –
---- declare variable to get the most possible number of item against any order
declare @MaxColumn int
----- set the values
select top 1 @MaxColumn =count(ProductName) from #OrderDetails
group by OrderId order by count(ProductName) desc
----- declare local variable to hold the name of the columns for the product here
declare @COLS nvarchar(max) ='', @CTR int = 1
---- here set the name of the columns here which will use in pivot table
while (@CTR<=@MaxColumn)
------ For the first column
set @COLS = @COLS +'[ProductName'+convert(nvarchar(10),@CTR)+']'
------ for the other columns
set @COLS = @COLS +', [ProductName'+convert(nvarchar(10),@CTR)+']'
--- set the increment of the counter
set @CTR=@CTR+1
----- Possible columns
select @COLS as Columns
Now, we are very clear about the most possible rows which will be needed to convert into columns as shown above.
Pivot with Dynamic Query
Pivot is the SQL feature to convert rows into columns. We need to generate a dynamic query to with Pivot and pass the most possible columns as shown below-
----- declare local variable to get the dynamic script
Declare @SQL NVarchar(max)
set @SQL = ' SELECT PVT.*
SELECT OM.OrderId, OM.CustomerName,
ProductName= ''ProductName''+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY OM.OrderId ORDER BY OD.ProductName)))
#OrderMaster OM
inner join #OrderDetails OD
ON OM.OrderId = OD.OrderId
Max(ProductName) FOR ProductName IN ('+@COLS+')
) AS PVT '
print @SQL
----- Print Output – How does script will work
------- drop the tables here
DROP Table #OrderMaster, #OrderDetails;
We are able to see here that dynamic script is the way to get the pivot columns from the most possible columns.
UNPIVOT - How can we convert columns to Rows in SQL?
To display the columns to rows is become urgent. In my scenario, we have a table called Item Bin Master.
In this table, we have multiple User Defined Field such as shown below:
MOT XU1100
MOT U1100_1
MOT XU1100_2
MOT XU1100_3
MOT XU1100_4
MOT XV1100
MOT XV1100_1
MOT XV1100_2
MOT XV1100_3
MOT XV1100_4
On the basis of the above data, we need to change the output of the data as shown below:
User Defined Field
User Defined Field Value
MOT XU1100
MOT XU1100_1
MOT XU1100
MOT XU1100_2
MOT XU1100
MOT XU1100_3
MOT XU1100
MOT XU1100_4
MOT XV1100
MOT XV1100_1
MOT XV1100
MOT XV1100_2
MOT XV1100
MOT XV1100_3
MOT XV1100
MOT XV1100_4
We still know the important of the PIVOT in the SQL. Here, we will use the UNPIVOT feature of the SQL to columns to rows.
In the above case, numbers of rows for items are not fixed and we cannot handle them by using the static values. We need here to use a SQL script to generate the dynamic rows against the number of columns of any item.
We are creating a temporary tables such as –
1) Temp Order Master to hold the Order Id and Customer Name.
--- create temporary table
[item_no] [char](30) NULL,
[bin_no] [char](8) NULL,
[user_def1] [varchar](32) NULL,
[user_def2] [varchar](32) NULL,
[user_def3] [varchar](32) NULL,
[user_def4] [varchar](32) NULL
----- Insert values into the temp table
INSERT INTO #ItemBinMaster Values
('MOT XU1100', 'FAMOUS', 'MOT XU1100_1', 'MOT XU1100_2', 'MOT XU1100_3', 'MOT XU1100_4'),
('MOT XV1100', 'FAMOUS', 'MOT XV1100_1', 'MOT XV1100_2', 'MOT XV1100_3', 'MOT XV1100_4')
---- select values from the temp table
select * from #ItemBinMaster;
But ideally, we need to generate the four rows for the each item to meet the requirement.
The Most Possible Rows
Here we need to get the maximum possible Rows. We will use the local variables to get the most possible number of rows which will be based on the number of columns are available in the table against such as –
----- check the column name in the table
select Column_name from information_schema.columns
where table_name = 'ItemBinMaster' and Column_name like 'user_def%'
----- declare local variable
----- get the values for unpivot here
select @Unpivot
= stuff((select ','+quotename(C.column_name)
from information_schema.columns as C
where C.table_name = 'ItemBinMaster' and
C.column_name like 'user_def%'
for xml path('')), 1, 1, '')
---- Unpivot column names
select @Unpivot as Unpivots
Now, we are very clear about the most possible columns which will be needed to convert into rows as shown above.
The brackets aren't mandatory. They are only needed when the identifier used requires quoting in order to prevent errors, as is the case with column names that are numbers. If the values/column names start with a letter and don't contain invalid characters, no square brackets are necessary.
The brackets aren't mandatory. They are only needed when the identifier used requires quoting in order to prevent errors, as is the case with column names that are numbers. If the values/column names start with a letter and don't contain invalid characters, no square brackets are necessary.
UnPivot with Dynamic Query
UnPivot is the SQL feature to convert rows into columns. We need to generate a dynamic query to with UnPivot and pass the most possible columns as shown below-
---- local variable
----- set the values in the dynamic query
set @SQL
= 'select Item_No, Bin_no,
[User Defined Field],
[User Defined Field Value]
from #ItemBinMaster
[User Defined Field Value]
for [User Defined Field] in ('+ @Unpivot +')
) up'
---- print sql value in the dynamic query
print @SQL
------ get the values here
exec sp_executesql @SQL;
We are able to see here that dynamic script is the way to get the pivot columns from the most possible columns.
We can group data by more than one column when we use the PIVOT/UNPIVOT operator. There is a way to work around SQL Server’s restriction against using COUNT(*) in the PIVOT clause and easily possible to pivot more than one column when pivoting data in SQL Server. These operators allow us to perform multiple aggregations one after another one. By the help of dynamic T-SQL script, we can pivot/unpivot data if we don’t know the values in the pivoted column/unpivoted rows.
We can group data by more than one column when we use the PIVOT/UNPIVOT operator. There is a way to work around SQL Server’s restriction against using COUNT(*) in the PIVOT clause and easily possible to pivot more than one column when pivoting data in SQL Server. These operators allow us to perform multiple aggregations one after another one. By the help of dynamic T-SQL script, we can pivot/unpivot data if we don’t know the values in the pivoted column/unpivoted rows.
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Is there a reason why this inline select wouldn't be a good way to get a count of max potential columns for a row?
ReplyDeleteSelect max(count(productname) over(partition by ordernumber))
Hi Folks,
ReplyDeleteI need a help in PIVOT table
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 6
3 7
2 8
4 9
5 10
I need a target table as
Cola A Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1 2 6 null null
1 3 7 null null
1 4 9 null null
5 10 null null null
ANy ideas
For SQLServer 11.0.5548.0:
ReplyDeleteNeed "USE tempdb;" at the top of each block.
Need "like '#ItemBinMaster%'" instead of "= 'ItemBinMaster'".